Free Papers Examples on History

Charlemagne And His Influence On The European History

Charlemagne, also known by the name Charles the Great is one the most prominent Roman political figures. Charlemagne ruled the Roman Empire from 774 until his death, in 814. He was also the first Roman ruler to rule in western Rome for more than 300 year. He had many responsibilities that allowed him to establish the Carolingian Empire, which is perhaps the most important empire in the history of ancient times. This essay will focus on Charlemagne’s influence on Roman culture and the impact his rule had on European history.

Charlemagne, while he accomplished many things as Roman Emperor, the most important was his unification of Western Europe for a first time since The Classical Era. Charlemagne was nicknamed “Pater Europee”, which is a translation of “father of Europe”. Charlemagne unites almost all of Western Europe. This allowed parts of Europe to recognize his power. Charlemagne’s success in unifying the Frankish people was especially impressive because of his predecessors’ history being conquerors. Charlemagne’s ability to unify a group of people was difficult because it was so diverse in both political and cultural terms. Charlemagne had to use all his leadership abilities because his kingdom was so diverse and wide-ranging. Charlemagne was able to be anything depending on the situation. He could be a warrior chief leading his troops into battle or a diplomat making friends at a dinner table. His flexibility was what enabled him to please most of his subjects. Charlemagne’s early years were marked by numerous military campaigns. These military campaigns were vital for many reasons. His desire to spread Christianity throughout Europe and defend his newly found kingdom were his two most important reasons. Charlemagne was a military success story that gave the Frankish people hope that their army would be outside their normal power. Charlemagne was able to conquer the Saxons. This was a major military victory that was not only important but also a natural enemy of the Franks. Charlemagne was able to conquer both Saxon and Frisians. Charlemagne began to expand his empire in a very rapid way after the Saxons were conquered.

Charlemagne’s natural ability to fight was a strength, but his diplomatic skills were more innate. Charlemagne chose a large group of friends and family to help him in his role of king. This group was crucial to be able to deal with the diverse responsibilities of ruling such an extensive area of Europe. These duties included the creation of law, enforcement of laws, holding religious service, and supervising Charlemagne’s army campaigns. Charlemagne saw the bridge between his palatium of the public as one of his most important political objectives. Charlemagne believed that a greater respect for his subjects would pay dividends. He held public forums that allowed him to hear and review any suggestions and complaints. Charlemagne’s diplomatic approach was unique and advanced. Charlemagne’s group of people can be compared to modern-day presidents’ cabinets. He also used a public forum that resembles the democratic system in use by the United States. Charlemagne is a powerful rule, both militarily and diplomatically.

Charlemagne utilized his diplomatic and military skills to achieve his goal of religious reform across his empire. Charlemagne achieved clarity on the powers of his church in a time when religion was often not agreed upon across territories. Charlemagne made bold reforms that were unheard of in an age where empires tended to prefer to separate powers of church from state. This was not the norm. He took on the responsibility for disciplining clerics, overseeing the church’s activities, and spreading Christianity. Charlemagne was able to retain control of all aspects and maintain good standing with his church.


His political and religious reforms opened the doors to a cultural revival in Rome. His most immediate goal was to improve Latin literacy. Therefore, he ordered the creation and improvement of books and education systems. In the hope of increasing literacy among Romans, a new writing program was established. Because more people were able to read and write, more people would be able to practice their religion. It opened the doors to more schools and libraries, and a much higher quality curriculum. Charlemagne made a lasting legacy. The education reform he initiated set Rome on an upward trajectory that would continue for centuries.

Charlemagne was a great leader in history, leaving a legacy of military, political and cultural reforms that far surpassed his life. The foundation for today’s European unification was laid by Charlemagne’s unification of all of Rome. He brought about the unification of Europe through religious reforms. This was impossible because of the religious tension that existed at that time. His ability and leadership skills allowed him to build a strong military and eliminate all rivals. His education reform, which saw the improvement of schools and libraries change the course of Europe’s future, was perhaps his greatest contribution. Charlemagne’s rule was an important part of European history. He was also a leader in the way he treated all aspects society.


  • milesmitchell12

    Miles Mitchell is a 40-year-old educational blogger and professor. He has been writing about education and education-related topics since he was a teenager, and has since become one of the leading voices in the education industry. Mitchell is a regular contributor to many education-related websites, including The Huffington Post and The Daily Caller, and has been teaching college students and professionals alike how to write, think, and learn in an education-related setting for over 10 years.


Miles Mitchell is a 40-year-old educational blogger and professor. He has been writing about education and education-related topics since he was a teenager, and has since become one of the leading voices in the education industry. Mitchell is a regular contributor to many education-related websites, including The Huffington Post and The Daily Caller, and has been teaching college students and professionals alike how to write, think, and learn in an education-related setting for over 10 years.